Azerbaijan International Magazine Editorials 40 Articles As of July 25, 2005 Some Articles in the Azeri language are in PDF format and require Acrobat Reader - FREE 2005 AI 13.2 Editorial: Inside Oil Baron Mansions - Blair 2005 AI 13.1 Editorial: Myth and Imagination - Symbols Reveal Trends - Blair 2004 AI 12.4 Editorial: Folklore - Ties that Bind - Blair 2004 AI 12.3 Editorial: Old City - Heartbeat of History - Blair 2004 AI 12.2 Editorial: The Baku of Ali and Nino - Blair 2004 AI 12.1 Editorial: Passionate Pens - In Pursuit of Truth - Blair 2003 AI 11.4 Editorial: Goodbye, Mr. President - Blair 2003 AI 11.3 Editorial: Pathfinders - Believers in Possibilities - Blair 2003 AI 11.2 Editorial: Baku - Best Kept Secrets - Blair 2003 AI 11.1 Editorial: Discoveries - The Consequences of War - Blair 2002 AI 10.4 Editorial: Ten Year Jubilee - An Interview with Myself as Editor - Blair 2002 AI 10.3 Editorial: Memories - Erosion of Memory and the New Generation - Blair 2002 AI 10.2 Editorial: Baku - City that Oil Built - Blair 2002 AI 10.1 Editorial: Azerbaijan - Seen from Abroads - Blair 2001 AI 9.4 Editorial: Evolution of Consciousness - Blair 2001 AI 9.3 Editorial: Ten Years After the Collapse of the Soviet Union - Blair 2001 AI 9.2 Editorial: Off the Beaten Path - Blair 2001 AI 9.1 Editorial: The Spirit of Innovation - Blair 2000 AI 8.4 Editorial: International Relations - Blair 2000 AI 8.3 Editorial: Food! Glorious Food! - Blair 2000 AI 8.2 Editorial: Baku! Baku! - Blair 2000 AI 8.1 Editorial: Alphabet & Language in Transition - Blair 1999 AI 7.4 Editorial: Youth of Yesteryear - Blair 1999 AI 7.3 Editorial: Eyewitness of the Century - Blair 1999 AI 7.2 Editorial: Colors of the Century - An Artistic Perspective - Blair 1999 AI 7.1 Editorial: Century of Reversals - Blair 1998 AI 6.3 Editorial: Architecture and Development - Blair 1998 AI 6.3 Editorial: Legends - Tales That Shape Society - Blair 1998 AI 6.2 Editorial: Journeys - Blair 1997 AI 5.4 Editorial: Legacy of Music - Blair 1997 AI 5.3 Editorial: Cinema: Can It Be Revived? - Blair 1997 AI 5.2 Editorial: If Objects Could Speak - Blair 1997 AI 5.1 Editorial: Falling Through the Cracks - Azerbaijan's Refugee Children - Blair 1996 AI 4.3 Editorial: Wisdom of the Ages - Verbal Folklore - Betty Blair 1996 AI 4.2 Editorial: Science That Made a Difference - Blair 1996 AI 4.1 Editorial: Contemporary Literature - Blair 1995 AI 3.4 Editorial: Health and Medical Care - Blair 1995 AI 3.3 Editorial: Leisure and Play - Blair 1995 AI 3.1 Editorial: Crisis in the Arts - Blair 1994 AI 2.3 Editorial: Fixing the Future - Environmental Challenges - Blair Home | About Azeri | Learn Azeri | Arabic Script | Store | Contact us Articles from Azerbaijan International © Azerbaijan International. Copyright since 2002. All rights reserved.