2000 (8.1)
20th Century
Alphabet Changes in Azerbaijan
20th Century has been disastrous for Azerbaijan in terms of alphabet
changes. Azerbaijan changed their alphabet four times with minor
changes on seven additional occasions. Latin was chosen twice;
first, in 1923, and again in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed
and the nation gained its independence. During the interim, Stalin
imposed Cyrillic (1939-1991). The largest collection of works
and books exists in Cyrillic. The problem now is how to make
all important publications available in Latin so future generations
can read them. This chart provides some of the historical context
in which these alphabet changes were made.
Ingeborg Baldauf, Schriftreform und Schriftwechsel bei den Muslimischen
Russland- und Sowjetturken, 1850-1937 (Budapest: Akademiai Kiado,
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, The Institute of Linguistics,
The Questions of Improvement of the Alphabets of the Turkic Languages
of the USSR (Moscow: Nauka Publishing House, 1972).
1. Bakinskiy Rabochiy No. 246, October 31, 1923, Baku
2. Help for the Teacher No. 7-8, 1939, Baku; Communist, November
23, 1939, Baku
From Azerbaijan International (8.1) Spring 2000.
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