2000 (8.1)
The Land of
Azeri Fonts
a Jungle Out There
by Rovzat
Gasimov and Jean Patterson
ASCII Assignment
for Azeri Latin Fonts
ASCII (pronounced ask-key) is the acronym for the American Standard
Code for Information Interchange, a universal system of numbering
characters. Every text character, tab mark, paragraph mark, and
other common text symbol has its own ASCII number, which all
computers understand.
The reason why documents in Azeri on one computer sometimes look
garbled on another is that the numeric assignment is different.
To solve the problem, the Azerbaijan government needs to decide
upon a numerical sequence that all fonts-both Azeri Latin and
Azeri Cyrillic-should follow. The random sequence and lack of
compatibility has arisen primarily because individuals (usually
out of desperation to use Azeri on their computers) have designed
their own fonts and made their own letter assignment, unaware
of what others have created. The result is chaotic because few
people can share their files on disk or via e-mail or the Internet.
Standardization of font assignment is long, long overdue. It's
a problem that must be solved.
The numerical assignment for each letter should be in alphabetical
sequence for Azeri Latin (the sequence is different for Azeri
Cyrillic). Keyboard assignment is an entirely different issue
and is not linked whatsoever to ASCII assignment. Letters can
be placed anywhere on the keyboard regardless of their ASCII
All fonts listed here are for IBM. Obviously there are many more.
1 Az-Times_LAT: President's
Office and SOCAR
2 Az Bookman, Courier Latino, Arial AzLat: Intrans
3 A_Ceyhun
4 Az Arial: Azerbaijan Embassy in U.S.
5 Az-Times-Lat |
6 Az2 Arial AzLat: Unocal
7 Alk Az TmsL, Alk Az HlvL
8 Azari Kamran.R_Times: Durna
9 TNA_Times_AZ, TNA_Arial_AZ: Turan News
10 Times Roman AzLat: Cabinet of Ministers |
From Azerbaijan International (8.1) Spring 2000.
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